Inclusive TEFL

Dr. David Gerlach
Inclusive TEFL: Chances, challenges, and concepts for inclusive foreign language classrooms


Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-27 um 14.09.41Dr. David Gerlach is a postdoc researcher at Philipps-Universität Marburg. He studied English and Biology and completed his first state exam in 2008 and his second state exam in 2010. From 2011 to 2013 he worked on his dissertation entitled: wordly-Rechtschreibtraining: Konzeption und Evaluation eines Interventionsprogramms für lese-rechtschreib-schwache Englischlerner, in which he developed training programs for dyslexic learners – wordly is the first research-based and scientifically evaluated training concept in Germany and very popular among teachers in Germany.

In his teaching, David Gerlach covers a wide range of topics relevant to language teaching and learning, for example bilingual education, multilingualism, learning difficulties, and inclusive education.

In his research, he focuses on methods and methodology in English language teaching and research, professional development in teacher education, inclusive education and learning difficulties, especially dyslexia. He has published two monographs and more than 20 articles, has developed a range of teaching and therapy materials for dyslexic learners and gave numerous talks and workshops on dyslexia, inclusive education, and integrative language support in multicultural settings.

At the moment he is involved in a number of different research projects: In the scope of his Habilitation research, he deals with the roles and identities of teacher educators and mentors in the second phase of teacher education. A second project, which is funded by the LegaKids-Foundation in Munich, focuses on qualifying teachers to diagnose dyslexia and support learners in developing literacy. Furthermore, David Gerlach is involved in the external evaluation of the multinational partnership “INFINITUS – knowledge sharing in dyslexia teaching”, focusing on dyslexia among multilingual adults, involving various European partner.

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