TEFL with the Interactive Whiteboard

Professor Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid
Interactive Whiteboards in the EFL Classroom: Findings of the European Project iTILT



Euline Cutrim Schmid is a full professor of Applied Linguistics and TEFL at the English Department of the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. Her main research areas are “Language Teacher Education and the Use of New Technologies”, “Bilingualism/Multilingualism”, “Language Assessment and Technology” and “Qualitative Research Methodology”. From 2011 until 2013 she was one of the work package leaders in the international EU-funded ITiLT (Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching) project that focused on the integration of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) into the foreign language classroom across four levels of education (primary, secondary, higher and vocational) and varying levels of foreign language proficiency (A1-C2). Over 250 short video clips of classroom practice are presented on the project website (combined with many teaching materials and IWB files).

(Photo credit: https://www.ph-gmuend.de/deutsch/lehrende-a-z/c/cutrim_schmid_euline.php)

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