Teachers with Special Needs

On this page you can find information, articles, and, for example, a recommended video about teachers with special needs or teaching with handicaps. You might be personally affected or looking for information in order to help others.

Since we can only provide little information and a few inspiring posts, we would be more than happy to receive recommendations for articles or websites that you might have come across on your search and that you consider helpful or valuable for this specific topic. Please feel free to contact us.

MDR Coverage on Teaching with Handicaps

In this German video on “DS Englischlehrer” from the MDR, published in 2012, you will get an insight of how English language teaching with Down syndrome is possible. The video makes clear that support, trust and appreciation are some of the most important pillars in order to become a full member of society and in professional life.Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-24 um 15.30.05

If you are interested in getting to know Tobias Wolf who works as an English Teacher Assistant despite his Down syndrome, click here or on the screenshot and watch the short video clip.

(picture credits: screenshot of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lcIM7INfik&feature=emb_logo)