300 Years of ELT

Prof. Dr. Friederike Klippel
Three Hundred Years of English Language Teaching and Learning


Frederike Klippel is a professor emerita at the English Department of Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany. Her main research interests are “The History of Foreign Language Learning and Teaching”, “Intercultural Learning”, “Foreign Language Teaching Methodology”, “Foreign Language Teacher Education”, “Early Language Learning”, and “Classroom Research”. Since 2000, Friederike Klippel has served on the academic advisory councils for the international large-scale studies DESI and PISA. She also served as vice president of Ludwig-Maximilians-University from 2003-2007 and was a member of the scientific board of the KMK and the BMBF from 2006-2010.

Not only has she published many books, from her dissertation “Spieltheoretische und pädagogische Grundlagen des Lernspieleinsatzes im Fremdsprachenunterricht” from 1980 to her most recent book on “Schulsprachenpolitik und fremdsprachliche Unterrichtspraxis. Historische Schlaglichter zwischen 1800 und 1989”. She also published numerous book chapters and articles and published a broad range of teaching and learning materials, from Schulfernsehen to EFL textbooks.

(photo credit: http://www.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/personen/emeriti/klippel/index.html)